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January 20, 2022

Start Date and TimeEvent DetailsLocation

Thursday, January 20, 2022

9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Accreditation Update
FLEX # 359
Vice President, Virginia Guleff will be letting people know that the ISER and QFE have been submitted and will give an executive summary of both.  Virginia Guleff will also discuss the virtual site visit from ACCJC. 
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Engaging and Supporting Students Outside the Classroom
FLEX # 669
Please join the staff from the Student Equity Program to learn about the important work of the equity centers, including the Culture and Community Center, the Queer Resource Center, and the UndocuCenter. We will also discuss our new Puente and Umoja programs. This workshop will focus on the services offered by the equity centers and programs with the goal of getting faculty support in referring students to improve their engagement with Butte College and find a sense of belonging.
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Foster & Kinship Care Ed: Parenting from the Inside Out (Zoom)
Parenting from the Inside Out
Join us for this series that helps you make sense of your past which is a proven indicator of improving your relationship with you child/children. It is a journey of self-understanding so that you can be present with your children. From the work of Daniel Siegel, MD.
Facilitator: Paul Aylworth, LCSW

Thursdays, 9:00am-12:00pm (Six-Week Series)

January 13, 20, 27; February 3, 10, 17

*This workshop will be held through a Zoom meeting format. To receive credit for this workshop, you must have your camera on and actively participate.

 Zoom Meeting ID:  966-259-2779

9:00 AM - 10:50 AM (Cancelled) What I’ve Gained from 100+ Hours of Equity Pro Dev
FLEX # 108
Tommy has completed and participated in over 100 hrs of Equity-based Professional Development: from FAIR Classrooms Seminar at Butte to a year-long STEM Faculty Learning Program based out of UC Berkeley to earning ESCALA's Certificate in College Teaching & Learning in HSIs and most recently completing ESCALA's Culturally-Responsive Teaching in STEM Mini-Course. After all of these professional development opportunities and trainings, come find out what Tommy has learned in regards to "bridging the gap" that we commonly see among our students' learning outcomes and their success in the classroom.
10:30 AM - 11:50 AM Enrollment Management Forum
FLEX # 360
Attend this forum to learn about current enrollment management strategies and plans.
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM Club Advisor Spring Prep Workshop
FLEX # 204
At our prep workshop, we will go over club updates and news as usual, for the Spring semester. This is an opportunity for new and current club advisors to gain resources, learn about club processes, and strategize with other advisors. We will review BC Connect functions, club engagement, funding available, club travel, and building community. We will also highlight the diverse student population that make up our clubs and how to intentionally support them while being conscious of the challenges they face while trying to remain connected to campus.
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM Communication Strategies for Divisive Times
FLEX # 109
Otherwise known as "Having Difficult Conversations." This a revision of a workshop I presented in August 2021. We will explore some prevailing communication theories and models and their implications for everyday interactions, especially in divisive times and on contentious topics. We will also discuss concrete behaviors that can help you successfully navigate tough conversations.
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Roadrunner Cares, formerly known as Early Alert
FLEX # 211
Roadrunner Cares is a process to help students in crisis receive priority services in order to succeed at Butte College. Learn the behind the scenes of our new Roadrunner Cares Program.
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM The AC🗲DC Connection
FLEX # 110
You will be thunderstruck by the work of the Adaptable Course Design Committee (AC🗲DC). We are starting the journey down a highway to helping students succeed in our classes - and you are invited to join the convoy! We will be sharing strategies that have helped us build classes that can adapt to the ever-changing world around us. Watt strategies have you found to be helpful for your class, and where is there still static in your course design? This will be an energizing workshop to start the semester!
1:00 PM - 2:20 PM (Cancelled) Managing Burnout
FLEX # 509
The past four years have taken their toll. Even if you were feeling good about teaching online pre-COVID and were happy with American Politics pre-COVID, many of us struggle to keep our heads clear enough to deal with the heavy toll of so many deaths, so much illness, and the increasing levels of stress in our lives. Our students are struggling with anxiety and depression more so now than ever. How do we cope? How do we continue to provide caring instruction for our students if we, ourselves, are overburdened and burnt out?   In this workshop, we will share our experiences with feeling and dealing with burnout. I will offer some scientifically proven strategies to manage the overworked, overstressed, and under pressure among us, as well as some tips to decrease the stress levels of students.
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM New Technology in Makerspace and Arts
FLEX # 408
Tour the Art building and the Butte Makerspace to see some of the new technology we have acquired; such as our recycling equipment, virtual reality and augmented reality headsets, and computer lab equipment.
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Rising Scholars: Serving System-Impacted Students
FLEX # 111
Rising Scholars is a resource for current and formally incarcerated students. In addition, Rising Scholars is committed to serving system impacted students: those who have experienced the effects of incarceration.  This can look like many different things for a student. For example, the student's parent or guardian may have been incarcerated, the student is survivor of trauma and/or legal proceedings. We come in contact with system impacted students everyday in our classrooms, students services, and everyday interactions.  How do we best serve our system impacted students?  We will discuss the Rising Scholars program, the populations we serve,  the mental health of system impacted students, and how to best support this underserved population.
2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Behind the Scenes: Recruiting the Butte Baseball Player
FLEX # 113
Get to know what goes into a nationally ranked baseball program.
2:00 PM - 3:50 PM Curriculum Committee Retreat*
FLEX # 953.1
The Curriculum Committee will meet and review goals for the upcoming semester.
3:00 PM - 4:50 PM Diversity Committee
FLEX # 670
Individuals interested in fostering diversity on campus are invited to join the Diversity Committee meeting and hear an overview of their work on campus and plan for the upcoming year. The Diversity Committee works to promote an inclusive community that embraces all aspects of diversity among students, faculty, and staff. To raise awareness toward this goal, the committee organizes events and participates in campus events; provides diversity workshops and training on campus; funds faculty, staff, and students to diversity workshops off campus; and makes recommendations to faculty, staff, and administration on diversity-related topics.
3:00 PM Introduction to Mnemonics: Phonetic Mnemonics (Multi-Day Event)
FLEX # 112
Mnemonic systems are strategies any one can learn and use to remember more. We often wish that we had a better memory: We'd be less forgetful; we'd learn more things; and we would be better at our jobs. The good new is that we can all improve our memories by using time-tested and evidence-based mnemonic strategies. 'Mental athletes' may astound us by their impressive memory feats, like memorizing decks of playing cards quickly, long lists of words or numbers, or reciting page after page of text verbatim. They will all tell you, however, that they don't have a special memory; they simply use mnemonics. And you can too. In this session, we'll cover the Phonetic Mnemonics, where digits 0 to 9 are represented by consonant sounds. These consonant sounds are combined with vowels to code numbers into words. Can be used to learn numbers or long lists of information. Combined with other strategies, its uses are endless.
3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Tour of Athletic Facilities
FLEX # 114
Come check out our nationally recognized athletic facilities.
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Curriculum Review Training
FLEX # 953.2
ATTN: Current and potential future STEM and SBSC Chairs and curriculum nerds.  Your department’s curriculum review is or will be soon upon us.  Please attend this meeting to learn how to navigate the curriculum review process, deadlines, Curriqunet Meta, etc.

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